Sunday, 26 November 2023

Kill, with kindness.

 Eating fish is very common. Even some vegetarians secretly eat fish. Many delicious dishes are made from fish. But sometimes fishing turns into a wild pastime. Fish would say this if they could talk to us.

Here it refers to the method of catching fish with bait. With a very sharp metal bait, the fish catches any prey it likes. The bait is then pushed around in the water to catch the attention of the fish. The fish devours this prey, mistaking it for food. The sharp bait tears the fish's tongue during this effort.

Sometimes it is not only the tongue, but the fish's jaw also opens and the bait comes out. What cruel fishing this is. Kill it, but why hurt the fish mortally? Don't you want an end to this?

Those who go on trips may also have bait in their hands. Someone recalls baiting while having fun near the sea. ie Remember to bait only when everyone is happy. See how much this behaviour that promotes us harms that dumb animal. They may catch large fish by hooking living tiny critters or fish. Cruelty, is your name human?

A person makes the decision on what to eat. But consider how much anguish other species go through for that. Not that you should stop eating fish, but you should kill and consume them with care and kindness.

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